The Blessing Christ
the beginning of the
19 century
the end of the
19 century
Dimmensions (cm):
/ 46
/ 3.5
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Town: Bansko
Museum: Museum complex
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Village: Osenovo
Church: St. Archangel Michael
Christ is portrayed to the waist, full face, against the background of a sky. In his left hand he is holding an open book, and with his right hand he is blessing.
Iconographical technique: Tempera
The layer of the painting is a thin one, of a smooth texture at the places over the gilding and at the modelling of the carnations and of the garments of Christ. The painting is very precise one, which suggests that the icon had been painted by a skilled iconographer. The varnish cover is applied thinly and evenly.
The gilding is applied on bole, with gold-leaf, polished.
Base material: Wood
The icon's base is a softwood panel, with two reinforcing inserted beams. The ground coat is of plaster, well ground.
State, restoration traces and comments
There had been a silver cover around the nimbus, which had subsequently been removed. There are no traces of any previous restorative intervention.