The Baptism of Jesus Christ
the beginning of the
19 century
the end of the
19 century
Dimmensions (cm):
/ 43
/ 3
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Village: Bistritsa
Church: St. Great Martyr George
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Village: Bistritsa
Church: St. Great Martyr George
The iconographic treatment of the theme is the traditional one. In the center of the composition is Christ, his feet in the water, against the background of a landscape, developed from the river bank through trees up to clouds.There are on the left-hand side of Christ three figures of angels, standing on the bank. One of them is reaching a white mantle out to Christ. Portrayed on the left-hand side is the figure of St. John.
Iconographical technique: Combined
The basic tones are applied with distemper, and the brightenings are with a semi-oil vehicle. The layer of the painting is applied evenly, with an exquisite modelling of the bodies. The carnations are made finely and betray the hand of a master-painter. The varnish cover is laid thinly and evenly.The gilding is made on bole, with gold-leaf, polished.
Base material: Wood
The icon's base is a softwood panel. The ground coat is of plaster, laid evenly and in several layers.
State, restoration traces and comments
No prior restoration has been detected.