St. Nicholas

Type: Icon

Period: The middle of the 19 century

Author: Unknown

School: Bansko Iconographic School

Dimmensions (cm): 68 / 34 / 3


Country: Bulgaria

Province: Blagoevgrad

Town: Bansko

Museum: Museum complex


Country: Bulgaria

Province: Blagoevgrad

Village: Godlevo

Church: The Assumption of the Virgin


A full-length portrait of Saint Nicholas, dressed in archieratical vestments and with a mitre on his head. The iconographer has painted the saint in a solemn attitude, blessing and holding in his hand a closed metal-covered book. There is a lavish decoration on his felon, as well as a masterfully and precisely painted omoforos. Painted on the left-hand and right-hand sides, on clouds, are Christ and the Holy Mother of God.

Iconographical technique: Tempera

With velaturas, "probaster" and a wich gilding, laid over bole with gold-leaf. The varnish cover is applied evenly in several layers.

Base material: Wood

The base is a softwood panel with two reinforcing wedge-shaped beams.

State, restoration traces and comments

There are no traces of any previous restorative intervention.