St. Gregory the Theologian, St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil the Great
the beginning of the
19 century
the end of the
19 century
Dimmensions (cm):
/ 22.5
/ 2
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Town: Bansko
Church: St. Trinity
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Town: Bansko
Church: St. Trinity
A traditional iconographic treatment of the theme. The three liturgists are portrayed in full length, in archieratical vestments. In their left hands they are holding closed books, and with their right hands they are blessing. Typical of the icon is the markedly Baroque and with many floral elements ornamentation.
Iconographical technique: Combined
With engravings, velaturas and "probaster" on the vestments of the saints. Used has been the "wet into wet" method in the carnations. The varnish cover is applied thinly and evenly. The gilding on the aureoles and on the archieratical vestments is with gold-leaf.
Base material: Wood
The icon's base is a one-piece softwood panel with two inserted beams. The ground coat is of plaster, laid in a thin layer.
State, restoration traces and comments
There are overpaintings on the icon's background and numerous damages on the vestments and along the enclosing golden frame.