St. Sabbas and St. Nicolas
the beginning of the
19 century
the end of the
19 century
Dimmensions (cm):
/ 21.5
/ 2
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Town: Bansko
Church: St. Trinity
Country: Bulgaria
Province: Blagoevgrad
Town: Bansko
Church: St. Trinity
The two saints are portrayed in full length. Saint Sabbas is in monastic garments, holding in his left hand an unfolded roll with a text on it, and in his right hand - a cross and a rosary. Saint Nicholas is in archieratical vestments. In his left hand he is holding a book, and with his right hand he is blessing. The two of them are portrayed against the background of a woodland scenery, which is gradating upwards into sky-blue. The graphic line-up and the colouring betray the hand of a skilled iconographer.
Iconographical technique: Tempera
The varnish cover is applied in a thick and uneven layer. The gilding on the aureoles is with gold-leaf and is engraved.
Base material: Wood
The icon's base is a one-piece softwood panel, with two inserted beams. The ground coat is of plaster, laid thinly.
State, restoration traces and comments
There are bad damages in some places on the vestments of the saints and along the brown frame, enclosing the icon, as well as a badly destructured varnish cover over the entire surface. There are traces of overpaintings in some of these places.